Monday December 11, 2023
Time: 14:00-15:00
Challenges of Recent Inflation
Chair: Silvana Tenreyro, London School of Economics
- Cristina Arellano, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
- Ivan Werning, MIT
Time: 14:00-15:00
Combating Poverty
Chair: Carmen Reinhart, Harvard University
- Steven Durlauf, Steans Professor in Educational Policy and the Director of the Stone Center for Research on Wealth Inequality and Mobility at the University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy.
- Charles Kenny, Senior Fellow, Center for Global Development
- Luis Felipe Lopez-Calva, Global Director, Poverty and Equity, The World Bank
Time: 16:45-17:45
Inflation Panel
- Justin Bloesch (Cornell University), Do Cost of Living Shocks Pass Through into Wages?
- Mike Konczal (Roosevelt Institute), The Debate Over Post-Pandemic Inflation
- Ivan Werning (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Inflation is Conflict
Tuesday December 12, 2023
Time: 12:10-13:10
Growth Divergence and Inequality
Chair: Kunal Sen, UNU-WIDER
- Karishma Banga, Institute for Development Studies (IDS)
- Yoseph Getachew, University of Pretoria
- Carlos Gradin, UNU-WIDER
- Eric Werker, Simon Fraser University
Time: 12:10-13:10
Networks Panel
- Stefano Battiston (University of Zurich)
- Chaun Du (Bank of England)
- Margit Reischer (Georgetown University)
Discussant: Levent Altinoglu (Federal Reserve Board)
Wednesday December 13, 2023
Time: 11:00-12:00
Sovereign Debt Panel
- Kevin Gallagher (Boston University)
- Jayati Ghosh (University of Massachusetts Amherst)
- Martin Guzman (Columbia University)
- Daniel Munevar (UNCTAD)
Discussant: Cristian Cuevas (Universidad de los Andes, Chile)
Time: 14:00-15:00
Supply Chain Resilience
Chair: Paola Conconi, University of Oxford, CEPR, CESifo, CEP
- Pol Antras, Harvard University, NBER, CEPR, CESifo
- Thierry Mayer, Sciences Po, CEPR
- Gene Grossman, (Princeton University)
Thursday December 14, 2023
Time: 11:00-12:00
New Technologies, Appropriate Technology, and Development
Chair: Eric Verhoogen, Columbia
- Diego Comin, Dartmouth
- Xiaolan Fu, Oxford University
- Juan Carlos Hallak, CONICET-IIEP, Universidad de Buenos Aires
- Tavneet Suri, MIT
Time: 12:10-13:10
Inequality and Violence
Chair: Santiago Tobón, Universidad EAFIT
- Patricia Justino, UNU-WIDER
- Anke Hoeffler, Konstanz
- Santiago Tobón, Universidad EAFIT
Friday 15 December, 2023
Time: 11:00-12:00
Methodology in Economic Analysis
Chair: Eric Maskin, Harvard
- Wendy Carlin, University College London and CEPR
- Raj Chetty, Harvard
- Andreu Mas-Colell, Pompeu Fabra