
Stiglitz Essay Prize Award 2023

The International Economic Association is pleased to announce the winners of the Stiglitz Essay Prize 2023.
This prize is possible thanks to the generous donation that the Economic Society of Australia pledged to the IEA.
The 1st Prize in the graduate category was awarded to Can Soylu (Brown University). The first prize in the undergraduate category was awarded to Matan Goldman and Hila Perl (Bar-Ilan University) while the 2nd prize was awarded to Bilal Moin (Yale University)
Can Soylu

Matan Goldman
Hila Perl

Bilal Moin

Stiglitz Essay Prize 2020

This prize is possible thanks to the generous donation that the Economic Society of Australia pledged to the IEA.
The 1st Prize in the graduate category was awarded to Nicolas de Laubier-Longuet Marx while the 2nd and 3rd Prizes were awarded to Ahmed Abdul Mumin of University of Glasglow and Wannaphong Durongkaveroj of Australian National University respectively. The winners of the undergraduate category are Daksh Walia of Ashoka University 1st Prize and Pradnyee Kantak of Fergusson College 2nd Prize.

Nicolas De Laubier-Longuet Marx
1st Prize Graduate Category

Daksh Walia
1st Prize Undergraduate Category

Ahmed Abdul Mumin
2nd Prize Graduate Category

Pradnyee Kantak
2nd Prize Undergraduate Category

Wannaphong Durongkaveroj
3rd Prize Graduate category
Stiglitz Essay Prize Award 2017

Nuno Palma
Krisztina Timko
Federico Rossi
Shrinidh Prakash
Phalguni Guliani

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the International Economic Association (IEA) are pleased to announce thethree (3) best papers for the 2024 ADB–IEA Innovative Policy Research Award. The award-winning papers were selected from over 150 papers covering a wide range of economic topics. Each award-winning paper will receive a $7,000 grant financed by ADB. The prize will be formally awarded at the ADB-IEA award session of the 2024 ADB Annual Meeting in May 2024. To acknowledge research excellence, the announcement also includes honorable mentions of seven (7) high-quality papers.
Three Award-Winning Papers:
Building Resilient Education Systems: Evidence from Large-Scale Randomized Trials in Five Countries by Noam Angrist (University Of Oxford & Youth Impact); Micheal Ainomugisha (Building Tomorrow); Claire Cullen (University Of Oxford & Youth Impact); Rene Marlon Panti (Innovations for Poverty Action); Shwetlena Sabarwal, (World Bank); Tim Sullivan (NewGlobe); Sai Pramod Bathena (Alokit); Peter Bergman (The University of Texas at Austin); Colin Crossley (Youth Impact); Thato Letsomo (Youth Impact); and Moitshepi Matsheng (Youth Impact)
School Attendance Information or Conditional Cash Transfer? Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment in Rural Bangladesh by Abu Shonchoy (Florida International University); Tomoki Fujii (Singapore Management University); Christine Ho (Singapore Management University); and Rohan Ray (National University of Singapore)
Public WASH Programs, Long-Run Child Development, and Intergenerational Mobility: New Evidence from Rural China by Dongqin Wang (The Chinese University of Hong Kong); and Eddy (Weijian) Zou (London School of Economics and Institute for Fiscal Studies)
Honorable Mentions:
Global Gains from a Green Energy Transition: Evidence on Coal-Fired Power and Air Quality Dissatisfaction by Azhar Hussain (London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)); and Timothy Besley (LSE)
The Double-Edged Sword: Unintended Consequences of SME Promotion Policy by Athiphat Muthitacharoen (Chulalongkorn University); Archawa Paweenawat (Puey Ungphakorn Institute for Economic Research (PIER)); and Krislert Samphantharak (University of California San Diego and PIER)
Access to Information, Technology Adoption and Productivity: Large-Scale Evidence from Agriculture in India by Apoorv Gupta (Dartmouth College); Jacopo Ponticelli (Northwestern University – Kellogg School of Management, NBER & CEPR); and Andrea Tesei (Queen Mary University of London, CEPR, CEP (LSE) & CESifo)
Sacrifice for the Greater Good: Welfare and Distributional Impacts of Flood Detention Basins in China by Yuxiao Hu (LSE); Runhong Ma (LSE); and Yifan Wang (LSE)
Early Childhood Human Capital Formation at Scale by Saravana Ravindran (Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore); Johannes M. Bos (American Institutes for Research (AIR)); Abu S. Shonchoy (Florida International University); Akib Khan (Uppsala University)
Long-term Impacts of Growth and Development Monitoring: Evidence from Routine Health Examinations in Early Childhood by Meiping (Aggie) Sun (Fordham University); Yinhe Liang, (Central University of Finance and Economics (CUFE)); and Xiaobo Peng (CUFE)
The long-term impact of in-utero exposure to natural disasters: Evidence from the 2010 Pakistan flood by Saqib Hussain (KDI School of Public Policy and Management); Rida Ali Khan (KDI School of Public Policy and Management)

ADB-IEA Innovative Policy Research Award
Call for papers
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the International Economic Association (IEA) are pleased to announce the three (3) best papers for the 2023 ADB–IEA Innovative Policy Research Award. The award-winning papers were selected from over 100 papers covering a wide range of economic topics. Each award-winning paper will receive a $7,000 grant financed by ADB. The prize will be formally awarded at the ADB-IEA award session of the 2023 ADB Annual Meeting in May 2023. To acknowledge research excellence, the announcement also includes honorable mentions of seven (7) high-quality papers.

ADB-IEA Innovative Research Award
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the International Economic Association (IEA) are pleased to announce the three (3) best papers for the 2022 ADB–IEA Innovative Policy Research Award. The award-winning papers were selected from over 250 papers covering a wide range of economic topics. Each award-winning paper will receive a $7,000 grant financed by ADB.
Award session 2022

Amartya Sen Prize

Shuguang Jiang
Amartya Sen Prize Winner

Kenneth Mahuni
Amartya Sen Prize Winner

Shuguang Jiang
Amartya Sen Prize Winner

Kenneth Mahuni
Amartya Sen Prize Winner