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The Research Institute for Development, Growth and Economics (RIDGE) aims to favor the development and the spread of high quality research in economics and to promote top postgraduate education, with particular emphasis on economic development, international economics and economic growth. It also aims to promote the development of new views on economic thinking from the perspective of developing countries.
RIDGE was born on the initiative of the International Economic Association and has the support of the Ministry of Economics and Finance or Uruguay.
RIDGE stands for the promotion of economic research in general, with particular emphasis on economic development, international economics and economic growth.
It is conceived as an international research center of excellence in economics working in close relation with the most prominent economists worldwide. Its location in a developing country will doubtless favor the emergence of a research agenda centered on critical development issues. In the long term, RIDGE is expected to help the profession to reshape research priorities and foster new research perspectives in the study of development problems. The project is very ambitious, meaning that RIDGE hopes to quickly gain global prominence as a research institution in economics and economic development, its research being published in the most prestigious journals in economics.