Excecutive Committee
The Executive Committee decides in the light of the general policies approved by the Council, the subjects of specialists’ conferences and other projects and selects the chairman of the Program Committee who will be entrusted with the scientific preparation of each project. The general practice is to invoke the aid of an economist of outstanding distinction in the subject who, with other members of the Committee chosen by him/her in consultation with the IEA Officers and Executive Committee, undertakes the scientific planning of the program and is responsible for the subsequent publication. Between the annual meetings of the Executive Committee, decisions concerning the work of the Association are taken by the President, in consultation with the other Officers, the Executive Committee frequently being consulted by letter.

Ufuk Akcigit

Garry Barrett

Chatib Basri

Haroon Bhorat

Mahendra Dev

Ruben Enikolopov

Raquel Fernández

Nicola Fuchs-Schündeln

Mojmir Hampl

Takashi Kamihigashi

Carol Newman

Helene Rey

Vera Songwe

Silvana Tenreyro

Yao Yang

Joan Esteban

Ercan Uygur
Steering Committee

Elhanan Helpman

Eric Maskin
President Elect

Wendy Carlin

Omar Licandro

Lili Yan Ing
Secretary General

Dani Rodrik
Past President

Kaushik Basu
Past Past President