Shared Prosperity

Dead Sea, Jordan, 2014-06-10

Programme Committee:Organizers: Kaushik Basu (World Bank) and Joseph Stiglitz (Columbia University)
Chair: Kaushik Basu (World Bank)
Speakers: Jonathan Ostry (International Monetary Fund), Nora Lustig (Tulane University, TBC), Gabriel Palma (Cambridge University)
Discussants: Joseph Stiglitz (Columbia University), Francois Bourguignon (Paris School of Economics, TBC), Celestin Monga (World Bank, TBC)

The issues of inequality and shared prosperity have increasingly gained attention in the development policy agenda of international organizations like the OECD, IMF and the World Bank. Similarly, countries, regardless of their development levels, are trying to better understand the linkages between inequality and growth. Inequality has come into the mainstream of economic policy discourse in a major way and this opens up scope for exciting new research, analysis and policy. This session will address questions from measurements of income distribution, trends within and across regions of the world, and the linkages/tradeoffs between inequality and growth.

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